Proven Record of Success
When choosing an attorney, it’s important to evaluate their track record to determine if they have the necessary qualifications to handle your case. While past case results do not guarantee a similar outcome for your case, they can be a useful tool in your decision-making process. Johnson Law Office, LLC is a trusted and reputable criminal defense firm located in Pueblo, CO. Defense attorney, Seth Johnson has a proven track record of successfully handling a wide range of cases, from misdemeanors to complex felony charges. Seth has won numerous victories in court, including acquittals, overturned convictions, suppressed evidence, and dismissed cases. He approaches every case with great attention to detail to ensure the best outcome for his clients.

Recent Cases Examples
- F2 Attempted Murder charges. Case dismissed by trial court after evidence failed to prove client complicit in co-defendant’s conduct.
- F3 First-Degree Assault charges. Case dismissed by District Attorney before trial based on defense investigation.
Post-conviction case. Client wrongfully convicted for First-Degree Assault. During post-conviction litigation, the client was resentenced on the correct charge of Second Degree Assault, saving client years in DOC. - F3 Sexual Assault of a Child. Case dismissed after two years of litigation/investigation.
- F5 Menacing. Case Dismissed at pre-trial readiness.
- M1 Harassment. Jury Verdict Not Guilty.
- F3 1st Degree Assault (mandatory 10 – 32-year DOC sentencing exposure) – Dismissed outright on basis of self-defense.
- Huerfano County: DF1 Distribution of Controlled Substance and Special Offender charges (mandatory 12 – 32 DOC exposure). Case dismissed outright one week before trial.
- Otero County: F1 Murder (mandatory Life Without Parole exposure) – Client’s charges reduced to 6-year DOC sentence.
- Reckless Manslaughter charges dismissed by Judge at Preliminary Hearing.
- Post-conviction case: Client’s conviction for Internet Solicitation of a Child reversed. Case dismissed.
- F2 Attempted Murder. Prosecution sought 20+ years in prison. Defense sentencing argument resulted in the Client receiving a sentence to Youthful Offender System instead.
- DF1 Distribution of Controlled Substance. Evidence suppressed against Colorado State Patrol for illegal stop and search on Interstate 25. Case dismissed.
- DF2 Distribution of Controlled Substance. Evidence suppressed against a local Sheriff’s Office after video showed Deputy’s testimony to be false. Case dismissed.
- Post-Conviction case. Original defense attorney failed to resolve outstanding charges in Oklahoma that he represented to the client he had. Client transferred from Colorado DOC to Oklahoma to resolve charges there, ensuring client did not serve more time in prison than he was originally promised.
- F3 Burglary Dwelling. Case dismissed after unlawful entry element disproved.
- Client charged with F2 Aiding Escape of Convicted Felon – charges reduced to fine-only petty offense.
- Client charged with multiple felony charges found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity at trial.
- 09/19: Murder Indictment pending two years – dismissed due to insufficient evidence.
- 09/19: Felony Theft case. Motion to Suppress granted due to cop’s illegal search of Defendant’s residence.
. - 05/19: Jury verdict – Not Guilty, Aggravated Sexual Assault of Child.
- 03/19: First Degree Murder – Found guilty of lesser offense of 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault.
- 01/19: Not Guilty verdict. Jury acquits Client of Felony Assault Family Violence – Strangulation.
Schedule a consultation today. Call our office at 719-485-4334.
503 N Main Street Suite 414
Pueblo, CO 81003

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Saturday & Sunday: Closed